

Will be away for awhile. Take care...

Via Koranteng's Toli - "What everyone should know about Blog depression"

I am not depressed just stepping away kidogo.


solar cash

OK people,I know i should have blogged about this in June. The unfinished post is in my notebook :(
Well, the solar energy business is not just about environmentalism. The growth in this sector is/could be exponential. According to wired, the site i check regularly; solarbuzz made 6.5Billion in 2004 (that's a B for billion in case you missed it) and predicts sales will nearly triple to 18.5 billion by 2010. Joanna Glasner sums it up really, the solar sector is already hot.
Check the article for specific stocks that she includes.

I read a case study about Nth Power awhile ago, the company has a long history of environment friendly tech, that i am going to have to review, they are on the board of Evergreen solar.

If you would like to 'invest your principle with your principles' (*and possibly get a decent ROI on your investment) check out social invest.org has info and reports on several funds that cover the different renewable energy fields. The new alternatives fund is one such fund.

Other companies not included in the article that i can think of right now, are Black and Veatch consulting (they are hiring) Check here
and domini social investments.

Watch a short clip of solar tower of power (In canada) and i wish i could say that 'this blog is 100% solar' for now its not...in future perhaps.
**soo not an expert so dont try to sue me if you lose hmmmkay?

jaw grind

i happened to watch the original press conference on tv, C&L now has a clip of the president's strange jaw movement. I remember thinking...he could be on anti-depressants.

Carole coleman (You may have already seen this - she felt like slapping GW.) if not, her story is on times online. The emperor of the free world has no clothes. The weird thing is that his handlers at the WH actually reffred to him as 'the leader of the free world'. In addition, it really brings to mind the influence of propaganda in news reporting. Katrina response was staged, Mission accomplished was staged. Strange for America. Very strange.

Bracing for the upcoming winter, and the forecasted increase (70% ?!) in energy costs for heating. Be it natural gas, electricity or oil, it seems like this winter will be rough. NPR detailed a couple of steps you can take to cushion yourself.


Red crescent.

via billmon.
There is also a link with various charities that will be assisting with the asian quake. For that list, click here or see links below:
Islamic Relief
Doctors without borders
Kashmir International Relief Fund

Red Cross/ Red Crescent
mercycorps (eric umansky recommended this charity awhile ago for the katrina disaster relief, they provide more long term support)


Quagmire not so funny

Quagmier You've got to laugh for now, then be scared witless when she actually gets confirmed

Quagmire gigidy gigidy (he's bad)

Nano's ugly step sister - I am related.


Odds and Ends

I am still getting the run around at the embassy, since monday is moi day, i have to wait till tuesday, and as a pal of mine says...I will be on them like white on rice. I am on hold with them so often, that i would like to suggest they change their hold music to ogopafunkijazzynisation.(You can get it here)

Concerns about the avian flu pandemic have me wondering whether to postpone an impending trip, for now it just remains that - a concern. Condolences, 1300 dead in asia due to the earthquake, Africans killed in the desert, while trying to cross into spanish enclave in morocco, hunger strikes at guantanamo, the tragedies never seem to end.

Well, perhaps honeysoul referenced a different type of swahili, but i do not think "Dwele" means "God has brought me" in swa. Perhaps it does mean that in a different language (a nigerian language perhaps?)

Just check this out.



These guys were featured on the world tonight. Cracked me up! You can listen to the music on their site or listen to the global hit here.


vid - NE Massacre

The pod on current tv by ruudelmendorp gives a visual of the massacre that we were shocked and saddened to read about. The blood stained sandal, the blood on the ground, the overturned desks, the mass grave...

For some background/reaction on what happened, see Mental Acrobatic's post .

Song of the day: Footprints (When you cry) by TOK
Link to WMP video (music remedy) or link to yahoo music
Review of 'Unknown Language' CD on stylus magazine.