
Odds and Ends

I am still getting the run around at the embassy, since monday is moi day, i have to wait till tuesday, and as a pal of mine says...I will be on them like white on rice. I am on hold with them so often, that i would like to suggest they change their hold music to ogopafunkijazzynisation.(You can get it here)

Concerns about the avian flu pandemic have me wondering whether to postpone an impending trip, for now it just remains that - a concern. Condolences, 1300 dead in asia due to the earthquake, Africans killed in the desert, while trying to cross into spanish enclave in morocco, hunger strikes at guantanamo, the tragedies never seem to end.

Well, perhaps honeysoul referenced a different type of swahili, but i do not think "Dwele" means "God has brought me" in swa. Perhaps it does mean that in a different language (a nigerian language perhaps?)

Just check this out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems its the same kamusi that Kanye's mother read :-)

10/10/2005 12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been a bad news weekend from whichever angle you look at it.

LOL @ maitha:)

10/10/2005 11:35 AM  
Blogger Afromusing said...

lol maitha.

Mshairi: Indeed.

10/10/2005 7:39 PM  
Blogger Rani said...

obat wasir bawang putih | obat wasir bengkak | obat wasir benjolan | obat wasir berak darah

11/07/2016 7:06 AM  

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