
Reconstructive surgery for 2 kenyan boys

whose penises were cut, allegedly for a portion to cure AIDS. The story in Reuters... "The adolescent boys, from a remote region near the border with Uganda, were mutilated after being given drugged food or drink by strangers.
"They had attacked them to cut off their penises to sell ... for making a type of potion which according to a local belief cures AIDS," Doctor Pedro Cavadas, from the Levante Rehabilitation Center told radio station Cadena Ser."

I am at a loss for words.
The outcome...
"Cavadas, who noted this type of attack was rare in Kenya, said the boys had been transformed by their surgery.
"They are fantastic, happy, their faces have changed and their lives have changed. They don't have to use a catheter ... and they can live like children, messing around and being naughty."


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